GOP Lawmaker Asks Obama To Stop Gitmo Detainee Transfers -- FOX News
Rep. Frank Wolf noted that the Defense Intelligence Agency may have upwardly revised its recidivism numbers on former Gitmo detainees that have returned to terrorism.
A Republican lawmaker is renewing his calls for the Obama administration to stop the release of six prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility to Yemen and another four to Afghanistan in light of a report revising upwardly the number of former detainees who have returned to terrorism.
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Update: Catch and Release: The Guantanamo Recidivism Problem. -- Weekly Standard
My Comment: The White House suppression of the U.S. Government's recent report that tabulates the number of Gitmo detainees who have returned to Jihad is a red flag to any one who is concerned about these things.
The sticking point are those who are from Yemen .... a country that is in the middle of a civil war and experiencing an all out insurrection. The idea that Gitmo detainees can be repatriated to this failed state in a safe and organized manner is foolish and dangerous to the extreme.
Unfortunately .... it appears that this is exactly what the White House is planning to do.