Well, the authorities have reacted to the Pantybomber in the usual way:
Passengers getting off both U.S. domestic flights and those arriving from overseas reported being told that they couldn’t get out of their seat for the last hour of their flight. Air Canada also said that during the last hour passengers won’t be allowed access to carry-on baggage or to have any items on their laps.
That's great news, isn't it?
This was a failed terror plot. But with failures like this who needs victories? If that Air Canada rule becomes generally applicable, that last hour will be a big time-waster for some of us. But no doubt some enterprising jih
Well, the authorities have reacted to the Pantybomber in the usual way:
Passengers getting off both U.S. domestic flights and those arriving from overseas reported being told that they couldn’t get out of their seat for the last hour of their flight. Air Canada also said that during the last hour passengers won’t be allowed access to carry-on baggage or to have any items on their laps.
That's great news, isn't it?
This was a failed terror plot. But with failures like this who needs victories? If that Air Canada rule becomes generally applicable, that last hour will be a big time-waster for some of us. But no doubt some enterprising jihadist will attempt to self-detonate in mid-flight or shortly after take-off, and pretty soon we'll have to sit in isolation for the full seven or eight hours. Another couple of attempted takedowns and they might as well ship us freight.
Read more ....My Comment: As usual .... Mark Steyn hits it on the nose perfectly.
2nd Comment: My 83 year old mother .... who regularly flies from Montreal to San Francisco on Air Canada to visit my brother and his family .... told me bluntly that because of her "condition", a sit down rule for the last hour in a flight is next to impossible for her. That as far as she is concerned .... air travel is now a no-no for her.
Sighhhh .... Mark Steyn is right .... even when the terrorists are caught, we still lose.