Twitter Hacked: 'Iranian Cyber Army' Signs Off With Poem To Khamenei -- Christian Science Monitor
Twitter was hacked by the 'Iranian Cyber Army,' an unknown group. Though its website indicated no links with Iran authorities, a Farsi poem on its page suggests that those who were behind the message could have been loyalists to Iran's Islamic system of rule.
Hack attacks on Twitter and Iranian opposition websites are directing traffic to a web page created by the “Iranian Cyber Army.” The page is all black with a green flag and red lettering that reads in English: “This site has been hacked by the Iranian Cyber Army."
The site indicated no link between the “Iranian Cyber Army” and the Iranian government. But Twitter and Facebook have been critical tools used by the opposition to mobilize street protests since June, and authorities in Iran have frequently targeted them and shut them down.
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More News On "Iran's Cyber Army"
Twitter hacked by 'Iranian Cyber Army' -- AFP
Iranian Cyber Army Takes Down Twitter, Sort Of -- Techland
The site indicated no link between the “Iranian Cyber Army” and the Iranian government. But Twitter and Facebook have been critical tools used by the opposition to mobilize street protests since June, and authorities in Iran have frequently targeted them and shut them down.
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Twitter hacked by 'Iranian Cyber Army' -- AFP
Iranian Cyber Army Takes Down Twitter, Sort Of -- Techland
Twitter Hack: Part Of Broader Iranian Strategy -- Washington Post
Twitter Disrupted by Web Attack -- New York Times
Pro-Iranian hackers hit Twitter and opposition websites -- BBC
Twitter investigates DNS hijack -- Security Focus
Twitter's Love-Hate Relationship With Iran -- PC World
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More News On "Iran's Cyber Army"
Twitter hacked by 'Iranian Cyber Army' -- AFP
Iranian Cyber Army Takes Down Twitter, Sort Of -- Techland
Twitter Hack: Part Of Broader Iranian Strategy -- Washington Post
Twitter Disrupted by Web Attack -- New York Times
Pro-Iranian hackers hit Twitter and opposition websites -- BBC
Twitter investigates DNS hijack -- Security Focus
Twitter's Love-Hate Relationship With Iran -- PC World