Japan To Give U.S. A Plan On Air Base -- New York Times
TOKYO — Japan’s prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, said Wednesday that he wanted to present concrete proposals to President Obama next week in hopes of ending a growing rift between his new government and Washington over an American military air base in Okinawa.
Mr. Hatoyama did not disclose the content of the proposals, which he and members of his cabinet appeared to be still working out at the prime minister’s residence. Mr. Hatoyama said he may seek a meeting with Mr. Obama during the climate change conference in Copenhagen to relay the proposals directly to him.
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More News On U.S. - Japan Discussions On Okinawa
Japan to give US base relocation plan next week -- AP
Okinawa Plan May Be Late -- Wall Street Journal
Mr. Hatoyama did not disclose the content of the proposals, which he and members of his cabinet appeared to be still working out at the prime minister’s residence. Mr. Hatoyama said he may seek a meeting with Mr. Obama during the climate change conference in Copenhagen to relay the proposals directly to him.
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Japan to give US base relocation plan next week -- AP
Okinawa Plan May Be Late -- Wall Street Journal
Japanese Defense Minister Kitazawa Thinks Guam Is "Suitable" For Troop Relocation -- Pacific News Center
Postponement of decision on Futenma relocation casts shadow over Japan-U.S. alliance -- Mainichi Daily News
My Comment: The U.S. is now caught in Japanese politics and campaign promises. A lose - lose situation in my book.
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More News On U.S. - Japan Discussions On Okinawa
Japan to give US base relocation plan next week -- AP
Okinawa Plan May Be Late -- Wall Street Journal
Japanese Defense Minister Kitazawa Thinks Guam Is "Suitable" For Troop Relocation -- Pacific News Center
Postponement of decision on Futenma relocation casts shadow over Japan-U.S. alliance -- Mainichi Daily News
My Comment: The U.S. is now caught in Japanese politics and campaign promises. A lose - lose situation in my book.