Al Qaeda Threatens New Strikes -- Wall Street Journal
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula issued fresh threats Monday against the U.S. and its Mideast allies, promising to retaliate against a surge of strikes launched in the past month against its leaders and safe havens in Yemen.
The terrorist group also denied statements made by Yemeni authorities late last week that six of al Qaeda's senior leaders in the country, including the man identified as the leader of the group's military operations, had been killed in an air strike.
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More News On Al Qaeda In Yemen
Yemen Al Qaeda group denies that airstrikes killed its leader -- Christian Science Monitor
Said al Shihri captured? -- Long War Journal
Al-Qaeda denies Yemen death claims -- Al Jazeera
Al-Qaeda wing denies leaders killed in Yemen: SITE -- AFP
Al-Qaida: Yemen airstrikes didn't kill group chief -- Washington Post/AP
Yemen security chief gives tribes' Qaeda warning -- AFP
ANALYSIS-Wary donors to demand economic reforms from Yemen -- Reuters
Q+A-Somali-Yemeni militant ties in the spotlight -- Reuters