From Reuters:
TIMBUKTU, Mali (Reuters) - In early 2008, an official at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security sent a report to his superiors detailing what he called "the most significant development in the criminal exploitation of aircraft since 9/11."
The document warned that a growing fleet of rogue jet aircraft was regularly crisscrossing the Atlantic Ocean. On one end of the air route, it said, are cocaine-producing areas in the Andes controlled by the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. On the other are some of West Africa's most unstable countries.
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More News On The Link Between Cocaine Smuggling And Al Qaeda
Colombian FARC rebels, al-Qaeda joining forces to smuggle cocaine into Europe, says DEA -- New York Daily News
Unholy Alliance: Colombia Rebels, al Qaeda -- CBS News
FARC and al Qaeda in 'unholy' drug alliance -- Colombia Reports
How worried should we be about FARQaeda? -- Foreign Policy
FARQaeda now an issue -- UN Dispatch
DEA insists on saying that drug-trafficking airplanes depart from Venezuela -- El Universal