Air Force's 1963 Film May Have Been An Answer To 'Dr. Strangelove' -- McClatchy News
"Well boys, I reckon this is it: nuclear combat, toe to toe with the Russkies." — Maj. T.J. "King" Kong.
More than 45 years ago, actor Slim Pickens delivered those words in "Dr. Strangelove," a seminal Cold War black comedy.
In the film, a rogue Air Force general, Jack Ripper, convinced that fluoridated water is a communist plot, orders a nuclear attack on the Soviets, triggering Armageddon.
It's a tad late, but the United States Air Force has more to say on the matter.
"SAC Command Post," an 18-minute film made in 1963 belittling the possibility of such an unauthorized U.S. nuclear strike, has been unearthed at the National Archives in College Park, Md.
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My Comment: Even though Dr. Strangelove was put together almost 50 years ago, it is still relevant today.