What We Can Do To Help Haiti, Now And Beyond -- Bill Clinton, Washington Post
As I write, we don't know the extent of the damage wrought by the earthquake that rocked the coast of Haiti on Tuesday. But a tragic number of people have been killed or injured, and early estimates indicate that nearly 3 million people -- almost a third of Haiti's population-- may need aid, making this one of the great humanitarian emergencies in the history of the Americas.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
We need a Marshall Plan for Haiti -- Collier & Warnholz, Globe and Mail
Haiti's Agony: What It Will Take to Rebuild -- Time Magainze
What We Can Do to Help Haiti, Now and Beyond -- Bill Clinton, Washington Post
Country Without a Net -- Tracy Kidder, New York Times
Haiti -- New York Times editorial
The Response to Haiti's Earthquake Must Measure Up to the Disaster -- Washington Post editorial
Haiti's Tragedy -- Wall Street Journal editorial
President Obama Should Stick to His Message of Outreach to Muslims - David Ignatius, Washington Post
How to Apply 'Smart Power' in Yemen -- Frederick W. Kagan and Christopher Harnisch, Wall Street Journal
Why Obama is right to ignore North Korea's latest overture. -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
Is Military Power Becoming Obsolete? -- Joseph Nye, Korea Times
Will Google stand up to France and Italy, too? -- Rebecca MacKinnon, The Guardian
Rebooting Iceland: What Comes Next for the Crisis-Stricken Country? -- Hauke Goos, Spiegel Online
Sovereign Debt Crisis Looms -- Nouriel Roubini & Arpitha Bykere, Forbes