P.C. Undermines Our Military -- Adm. James A. Lyons, Washington Times
An opportunity for Defense to reverse trends.
Political correctness has undermined the military for years. Recently things have turned for the worse. Under the Obama administration's pursuit of a "new era of engagement" with America's enemies, it has gained more prominence.
That is reflected in the December tragedy at Fort Hood, Texas, by the failure to cashier Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan out of the U.S. Army. His military associates and commanding officers had to have known for years of his openly acknowledged sympathy for fanatical jihadism yet evidently did nothing out of fear of being labeled anti-Muslim and/or accused of racial profiling. Such charges in today's military can have a career-ending impact.
Read more ....
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Intel: US Shuts Down Arms Shipment to Georgia -- Defense Tech
DOD deception and projected cuts to the F-35 program in FY2011 -- ELP Defens(c)e Blog
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