White House Aides Said To Chafe At Slow Pace Of Afghan Surge -- New York Times
WASHINGTON — Senior White House advisers are frustrated by what they say is the Pentagon’s slow pace in deploying 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan and its inability to live up to an initial promise to have all of the forces in the country by next summer, senior administration officials said Friday.
Tensions over the deployment schedule have been growing in recent weeks between senior White House officials — among them Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Gen. James L. Jones, the national security adviser, and Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff — and top commanders, including Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the senior commander in Afghanistan.
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My Comment: I know that this administration is green and ignorant when it comes to military affairs .... but to voice it publicly is not going to help it win any converts and will only serve to reveal their ignorance.