China is to deliver a carefully calibrated diplomatic snub at a meeting today to discuss UN sanctions aimed at curbing Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
After postponing the six-power meeting for weeks, China said at the last minute that it would be represented by a junior diplomat — even though Britain, France, Germany, Russia and the United States are all sending top officials.
Western diplomats say that China is now taking a harder line than Russia in opposing further UN sanctions on Tehran. One said that Beijing seemed more interested in energy security than preventing Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. China imports about 15 per cent of its oil from Iran.
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My Comment: I suspect that the relationship between China and Iran is more deeper than what is being disclosed. While I suspect that oil security is probably the main reason why China is adopting this stance, it is also a means for them to show their independence from the main powers to the rest of the world.
Is this a smart approach .... probably not .... but it is the approach that China has adopted, and for the moment they are not going to change.