National Security Adviser: Airline Bomber Report To 'Shock' -- USA Today
WASHINGTON — White House national security adviser James Jones says Americans will feel "a certain shock" when they read an account being released Thursday of the missed clues that could have prevented the alleged Christmas Day bomber from ever boarding the plane.
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U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mullen puts limit on U.S. military role in Yemen.
Iranian panel calls official in charge of prison ‘the main culprit’ in detainee deaths.
New U.S. push for Mideast peace faces old obstacles.
Galloway-led aid convoy enters Gaza following border strife.
Iraq bomb attack on senior police kills eight.
2 militants killed after 22-hour standoff in India Kashmir.
U.N. envoy warns situation in Afghanistan could become 'unmanageable'.
U.S. missile strikes in Pakistan kill Taliban militants.
Blasts hit restive Thai south as PM visits.
South Sudanese cattle raid 'kills 140'. Aid groups: Southern Sudan may return to war.
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Mexican president says crime now 3rd priority.
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Jordanian bomber’s path remains a mystery to his family.
CIA attack a blow but won't stop anti-terror hunt.
After attempted airline bombing, effectiveness of intelligence reforms questioned.
Detroit attack: US border guards knew alleged terrorist was on flight.
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Iceland president says country will pay UK government.
GM boss expects 2010 profit for leaner automaker.
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