Top Terror Prosecutor Is a Critic of Civilian Trials -- New York Times
He was the lead prosecutor 15 years ago in one of the country’s biggest terrorism trials: a group of men led by a blind Egyptian sheik had plotted to blow up the United Nations, the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels and other city landmarks.
“Are you ready to surrender the rule of law to the men in this courtroom?” the prosecutor, Andrew C. McCarthy, told the jury in Federal District Court in Manhattan in a closing argument. Ultimately, the 10 defendants were convicted.
But last Dec. 5, Mr. McCarthy, who is no longer in government, joined a group of speakers outside the same courthouse rallying against the Obama administration’s decision to bring Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to Manhattan for a civilian trial.
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My Comment: A sobering assessment from one who should know on the pitfalls and problems of conducting civilian trials for men who are accused of mass murder/terror crimes. I can only hope that someone in the administration/Justice Department is listening.