An official at the human rights charity deplores its work with a ‘jihadist’.
A SENIOR official at Amnesty International has accused the charity of putting the human rights of Al-Qaeda terror suspects above those of their victims.
Gita Sahgal, head of the gender unit at Amnesty’s international secretariat, believes that collaborating with Moazzam Begg, a former British inmate at Guantanamo Bay, “fundamentally damages” the organisation’s reputation.
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My Comment: Gita Sahgal is 100% correct. She bears witness to how Amnesty International has become al Qaeda and the Taliban's useful idiots .... especially when they are putting terrorists rights ahead of victim's rights.
This is one of the reasons why Amnesty has been losing members and supporters over the years, and why they are now getting the label of being "wackos" when it comes to human rights.
15 years ago I always was always a donor to both Amnesty and Medecins Sans Frontiere (Doctor's Without Borders). Doctor's Without Border's now receives my Amnesty stipend.