Chinese See U.S. Debt As Weapon In Taiwan Dispute -- Washington Times
Taiwan arms pique military.
China's military stepped up pressure on the United States on Monday by calling for a government sell-off of U.S. debt securities in retaliation for recent arms sales to Taiwan.
A group of senior Chinese military officers also said in state-controlled media interviews that Beijing's leaders should boost defense spending and expand force deployments in the wake of the Pentagon's announcement last month of a new $6.4 million arms package for the island state claimed by Beijing.
Senior officers from the Chinese National Defense University and Academy of Military Sciences made what some view as an economic warfare threat, something outlined in past military writings.
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My Comment: Every country and "super-power" throughout history has used economic pressures and financial incentives to influence another country's foreign policy. I have lost count on how many times the U.S. has used this lever .... and surprise surprise .... the Chinese are now using this "weapon" against us.