Women At War: Sexual Violence In The US Military -- BBC News
Helena Merriman reports on a woman whose experience of sexual assault, while serving in the US Air Force in Afghanistan, turned her into a campaigner for the welfare of service women.
Marti Ribeiro was born into a military family.
Her grandfather and father were both in the Air Force - and all her life she had wanted to join the armed forces.
After she finished school she joined the Air Force Reserves and a few years later, in March 2003, she was deployed to Iraq.
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My Comment: My blood always boils when I read stories on soldiers mistreating other fellow soldiers. In the case of sexual assaults .... my blood vessels are bursting.
Fortunately .... I like to believe that most women do not have this type of experience, and credit to the BBC for posting another story that a successful story for a women in the military.
Update: For more information on the crime of rape in the US military, the following post provides a lot of information .... Rape within the U.S. Military: 1 in 3 women service members sexually assaulted at least once. Interesting, this post is from the website "Islamic Workplace".