'US Will Maintain Minimum Nuclear Deterrence' -- Press Trust India
Washington, Feb 18 (PTI) The US would maintain a minimum nuclear deterrent while working towards the goal of achieving a nuke-free world, a top Obama Administration official on nuclear disarmament has said.
"This Administration will work toward a world without nuclear weapons and we will continue to maintain a safe, secure, and effective deterrent as we proceed toward that goal," Ellen Tauscher, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, said.
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The Second Annual Nuclear Deterrence Summit -- US Department of State
Tauscher to talk arms trade -- Politico
Biden nuke speech preview -- Foreign Policy
Biden To Press For Ratifying Test Ban Treaty -- The Atlantic
Biden to Push Test-Ban Treaty -- Wall Street Journal
Biden to Call for Senate Ratification of CTBT -- Global Security Newswire
Stage set for new fight over START treaty -- The Cable/Foreign Policy
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