What is Robert Gates Really Fighting For? -- Time Magazine
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates flies around the world to war zones and allies, to China and Russia and Suriname, on a Cold War relic called the Doomsday Plane. Forged in the 1970s by Boeing, it was designed to stay aloft even in the midst of nuclear war. It's an airborne Pentagon. The plane is so heavy that it needs refueling in midair on long flights. The Air Force crew aboard told me that on occasion, the fuel nozzle from the floating tankers has smashed through the pilots' windshield like an angry space creature. It's one of a handful of planes coated with nuclear-attack shielding and capable of emitting launch codes to all U.S. missile silos.
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More News On U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates
Gates skeptical on Iran nuclear deal -- Politico
Gates pitches $768.2B defense budget to Congress -- Washington Post/AP
Gates sees new US bomber fielded in 2020s -- Reuters
Gates defends F-35, rejects increase in F/A-18s -- Reuters
Gates walking a fine line on joint strike fighter -- Star Telegram
Gates Pledges Mine-resistant Vehicles to Allies -- US Department of Defense
Shift seen on role of military 'mentors' -- USA Today
Gates Announces Review of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ -- Business Week