Japan Stymied On US Base In Okinawa As Deadline Nears -- Christian Science Monitor
Japan may try again to relocate the Futenma US base in Okinawa to the fishing village of Henoko, ahead of a May deadline to resolve the issue. But both antibase activists and the US have voiced objections to that plan.
On the steps up to a lookout point over Futenma, a United States Marine Corps helicopter base in the middle of downtown Ginowan, blue spray-painted graffiti carries a blunt message: “NO BASE MORE.”
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More News On The US Base In Okinawa
Why some in Japan support US bases in Okinawa -- Christian Science Monitor
U.S. Marine Base to Stay on Okinawa, DPJ Defense Official Says -- Business Week
Okinawa officials against idea of U.S. base relocation within island -- Xinhuanet
US Marine general says Okinawa troops not a burden -- Washington Post
Futenma in the end may stay in Okinawa, Hirano hints -- Japan Times
General: Marine air presence on Okinawa vital -- Stars And Stripes
Official: Guam unable to take Futenma Marines -- KUAM News