Kandahar Offensive to Begin in June, Senior Officials Say -- FOXNews.com
The new strategy focuses on clearing Taliban strongholds while protecting the local populations and establishing Afghan control.
WASHINGTON -- NATO forces will launch a major offensive in the Afghanistan city of Kandahar in June, sources told Fox News, part of a new war strategy that began earlier this year with the offensive in Marjah.
The new strategy focuses on clearing Taliban strongholds while protecting the local populations and establishing Afghan control.
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More News On The Offensive Planned for Kandahar
Kandahar offensive to begin in June -- AP
U.S. aims to push Taliban from Kandahar by August -- Reuters
Chairman Calls Kandahar Operations ‘Critical’ -- US Department of Defense
Kandahar Ops Reflect Complexity, Subtlety -- US Department of Defense
Kandahar Offensive to Focus on Good Governance -- Wall Street Journal
My Comment: This policy of notifying the enemy of your intentions is going to backfire one day .... but for now the US military has been on a roll.