As the Obama administration pursues new multilateral Iran sanctions at the U.N., Congress is getting ready to move forward with its own sanctions bill, which the administration is still not happy with.
A senior Senate aide close to the process said the House and Senate will soon move to conference on resolving the two versions of the Iran sanctions legislation, one led by Rep. Howard Berman, D-CA, and the other sponsored by Chris Dodd, D-CT. The State Department had been negotiating with key senators over Dodd's bill, seeking an exemption for any countries they determine to be "cooperating" with the U.S. on the sanctions regime.
More News On Iran Sanctions
Key U.N. Security Council nations hedging on calls to sanction Iran -- Washington Post
Iran predicts disunity over sanctions -- AFP
Profiting From Iran, and the U.S. -- New York Times
US billions for Iran sanction-busting firms -- AFP
Firms get U.S. money despite Iran work - NY Times -- Reuters
West drafts weakened Iran sanctions -- Jerusalem Post
Q+A-Western draft proposal for new UN sanctions on Iran -- Reuters
On Iran Sanctions, Is the U.S. Spinning Its Wheels? -- Time Magazine
A sober approach to sanctioning Iran -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
China should not support more sanctions against Iran -- Han Dongping, China Daily