Petraeus Stirs Political Chatter With Visit to Key Presidential Primary Town -- FOXNews.com
Gen. David Petraeus gave a talk Wednesday evening at New Hampshire's Saint Anselm College, a must-see campus for presidential candidates in a must-see state that hosts the first-in-the-nation primaries. Coincidence?
When a rumor spread last March that Gen. David Petraeus would be speaking at the University of Iowa in 2010, speculation that he was exploring presidential politics became so rampant that Central Command had to issue a statement saying the Iowa news was false.
Weekly Standard columnist Michael Goldfarb, whose column was the source of the frenzy, later admitted he was joking about a Petraeus trip, and that the gag went too far.
This time, it's no joke.
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My Comment: I have my doubts. If I was to hazard a guess for 2012, I would say that the number one issue on the minds of most Americans will be on the economy .... i.e., exploding national debt, high unemployment, inflation fears, and a crisis in the junk bond and lending markets.
In short, the U.S. electorate will be looking for a leader in the field of economics and business .... not in the military.