The thing is, Mike has been using--and popularizing the term "three percenter" long before this site ever came into existence, which many of us recall resulted in no small amount of discussion in the "gun blogosphere," which we continue to be a part of. With all the noise that's generated over the last couple years, I would find any claim that this was unknown to the website proprietors something I needed convincing on.
Legalities don't come into play here, but what will be done about this next does. Possibly nothing will happen. I know if I had set up this site and found another blogger had already firmly established "War on Guns" as a fixture, I'd back off and find something else to call it.
I can't automatically attribute bad intentions here--there's every possibility this is a misunderstanding and the guys behind the effort have good hearts and good intentions. That said, even if they do, I can't endorse any effort that takes place under that name unless and until I know it has the Mike's sanction.