Details of “Einstein” Cyber Shield Disclosed by White House -- Wall Street Journal
The Obama administration lifted the veil Tuesday on a highly-secretive set of policies to defend the U.S. from cyber attacks.
It was an open secret that the National Security Agency was bolstering a Homeland Security program to detect and respond to cyber attacks on government systems, but a summary of that program declassified Tuesday provides more details of NSA’s role in a Homeland program known as Einstein.
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More News On The “Einstein” Cyber Shield
The Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative -- National Security Council/The White House
US lifts lid on top secret plan for internet security -- BBC
U.S. Declassifies Part of Secret Cybersecurity Plan -- Threat Level
Monitoring federal networks, global supply chain part of cyber initiative -- Next Gov.
Few details in White House summary of cyber plan -- AP
White House Declassifies Description of National Cyber-Security Program -- Government Security
US intros Einstein plan to defend its cyberspace -- Tech Eye
Obama's cybersecurity chief opens CNCI 'Einstein 3' kimono -- Computer World
Details of American super-secret cyber warfare defences known as 'Einstein' -- Download Squad