Obama's Nuclear Strutting And Fretting -- Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
There was something oddly disproportionate about the just-concluded nuclear summit to which President Obama summoned 46 world leaders, the largest such gathering on American soil since 1945. That meeting was about the founding of the United Nations, which 65 years ago seemed an event of world-historical importance.
But this one? What was this great convocation about? To prevent the spread of nuclear material into the hands of terrorists. A worthy goal, no doubt. Unfortunately, the two greatest such threats were not even on the agenda.
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My Comment: The paragraph that caught my attention from Charles Krauthammer was the following ....
.... Obama proudly announced that the United States and Russia were disposing of 68 tons of plutonium. Unmentioned was the fact that this agreement was reached 10 years ago -- and, under the new protocol, doesn't begin to dispose of the plutonium until 2018. Feeling safer now? ....
Sighhh ....
A lot was promised .... but only scraps delivered. Such is the real world of international relations and politics. But at least President Obama tried .... I have to give him credit for that .... I guess.