"I don't worry about the Constitution on this to be honest..." [More]Since when are you capable of being honest, Rep. Phil Hare, (D-IL)?
"Are you calling me a liar?" Rep. Hare asks...I'm calling you worse than a liar.
I'm calling you an oath-breaker.
Figures you don't even know what document you're trying to scrounge a quote from.
Does it occur to you, you bloated worm, that I am under no obligation to obey any edict you presume to pass when you publicly admit Constitutional authority is not even a consideration?
Oh, and what a surprise.
Figures you don't even know what document you're trying to scrounge a quote from.
Does it occur to you, you bloated worm, that I am under no obligation to obey any edict you presume to pass when you publicly admit Constitutional authority is not even a consideration?
Oh, and what a surprise.
If I were an arrogant subversive tyrant, I wouldn't want my subjects armed, either.
Does it occur to you, you bloated worm, that I am under no obligation to obey any edict you presume to pass when you publicly admit Constitutional authority is not even a consideration?
Oh, and what a surprise.