Next-Gen Coastal Artillery -- Defense Tech
Having puffed its chest mightily during the just concluded Great Prophet 5 exercises, Iran figured it would continue in that vein and issued another one of its periodic threats asserting it holds the keys to the Strait of Hormuz. Mohammad-Nabi Habibi, secretary-general of Iran’s conservative Islamic Coalition Party, put it rather artfully: “If America goes lunatic, the children of the nation in the Islamic Republic’s armed forces would choke the West’s throat at the Strait of Hormuz.”
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Osama Killer Missile Fails; NO Conventional Tridents -- DoD Buzz
New York Times blows Russian container-hidden missile threat out of proportion -- RT
USAF Fighter Shortfall Smaller Than Expected -- Aviation Week
F136 vs F135 the marketing war -- ELP Defen(c)e Blog
Japan seeks foreign engines for stealth fighter prototypes -- Flight Global (H/T: ELP Defens(c)e Blog)
Boeing, Lockheed Wait as India Delays Fighter Deal -- Bloomberg Businessweek
North Korea’s ‘Human Torpedoes’: Myth, or Military Threat? -- The Danger Room
Hezbollah Scuds - Much to Do About Nothing -- American Generalist
Gates: Syria, Iran Arm Hezbollah With Improved Missiles -- Defense News
C-17s for India -- Defense Industry Daily
Russia Open to Missile Shield Collaboration With NATO, Medvedev Says -
F136 vs F135 the marketing war -- ELP Defen(c)e Blog
Japan seeks foreign engines for stealth fighter prototypes -- Flight Global (H/T: ELP Defens(c)e Blog)
Boeing, Lockheed Wait as India Delays Fighter Deal -- Bloomberg Businessweek
North Korea’s ‘Human Torpedoes’: Myth, or Military Threat? -- The Danger Room
Hezbollah Scuds - Much to Do About Nothing -- American Generalist
Gates: Syria, Iran Arm Hezbollah With Improved Missiles -- Defense News
C-17s for India -- Defense Industry Daily
Russia Open to Missile Shield Collaboration With NATO, Medvedev Says -- Global Security Newswire
Russian Reforms Mean Major Defense Modernization -- Defense Talk
USAF Broadens Plans for Next-Generation UAV -- Defense News
Soldier sets wing-suit world record -- www.Army.mil
Japan seeks foreign engines for stealth fighter prototypes -- Flight Global (H/T: ELP Defens(c)e Blog)
Boeing, Lockheed Wait as India Delays Fighter Deal -- Bloomberg Businessweek
North Korea’s ‘Human Torpedoes’: Myth, or Military Threat? -- The Danger Room
Hezbollah Scuds - Much to Do About Nothing -- American Generalist
Gates: Syria, Iran Arm Hezbollah With Improved Missiles -- Defense News
C-17s for India -- Defense Industry Daily
Russia Open to Missile Shield Collaboration With NATO, Medvedev Says -- Global Security Newswire
Russian Reforms Mean Major Defense Modernization -- Defense Talk
USAF Broadens Plans for Next-Generation UAV -- Defense News
Soldier sets wing-suit world record -- www.Army.mil