WINPAC—the CIA’s clearinghouse for data on various weapons and delivery systems—sent a new report to Congress this week that amounts to one of the intelligence community’s few sustained public statements on Iran’s drive to acquire nuclear weapons since the widely noticed (and discredited) November 2007 National Intelligence Estimate. This report is not to be confused with a new NIE, which is in the works and said to be ready for release sometime this month. This, rather, is a more routine document, required by law and mostly treated as pro forma.
That partly explains why the report got so little attention. But it is not without interest.
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My Comment: Every time a report is issued from the intelligence community on Iran's nuclear program .... I am always scratching my head. Iran's leaders are very blunt and outspoken on what their intentions are .... but the focus from the West is more on the technical and scientific facts of their nuclear program .... facts that are probably a small fraction of what the intelligence community wants in being able to make an accurate assessment on their claims.