OKC Bombing, 15 Years Later: Are We Safer? -- CBS News
Expets and Polls Show Increased Concern About Threats of Domestic Terror, Militia Groups and the "Lone Wolf".
(CBS) Fifteen years ago today, Timothy McVeigh detonated a truck filled with explosives in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, the deadliest domestic terrorist attack in U.S. history.
But how much safer are we now?
In the fifteen years since the Oklahoma City bombing, reports CBS News homeland security correspondent Bob Orr, we've seen other attacks by domestic extremists: The shootings at Fort Hood last fall, and the deliberate crash in February of a small plane into an IRS building in Texas are two examples.
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More News On Remembering The OKC Bombing
America remembers the victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing -- Digital Journal
15 years later, victims, residents remember Oklahoma City bombing -- CNN
Ceremony to commemorate 1995 Oklahoma City bombing -- AP
Still hurting after 15 years: Survivors, family gather to mark anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing -- Dallas News/AP
Lessons of the Oklahoma City Bombing -- The Atlantic Wire
Clinton Chides 'Right-Wing Media,' Warns Government 'Demonization' Fuels Threats -- FOX News
What We Learned in Oklahoma City -- Bill Clinton, New York Times