Special Report: Rapid Growth Of Militias Feeds Off Politics -- Reuters
Three times a week, Mike Lackomar climbs into his truck and drives the same delivery route through the suburbs of Detroit.
Lackomar is an independent contractor for a private parcel company. If you live northwest of this battered city and you recently purchased something from a home shopping network, there's a good chance the 36-year-old handled your package.
But there is one small item that never leaves his truck: a green nylon satchel Lackomar jokingly calls "the football," a reference to the briefcase with codes for a nuclear strike kept close to the U.S. president. Inside, along with a pocket knife and a small first aid kit, is a sealed envelope containing codes, rallying points and detailed plans that Lackomar would use to mobilize his squad of armed citizen-soldiers in an emergency.
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My Comment: U.S. militias have been around since the founding of the country .... their existence does not concern me. What concerns me is if they start blowing up Federal buildings or committing and/or planning capital crimes .... this completely changes the dynamics. Fortunately .... most if not all of these militia groups are not involved in such activities.