On or about April 20, 1778, Capt. William Patrick of Ichabod Alden’s Massachusetts regiment were ordered to the Schoharie Valley by Gen. John Stark, commander of the Northern Department. Stark gave Patrick this instruction:
"Sir, You will keep continual scouting parties in the adjacent country to where you are posted, to discover the motions and movements of our internal enemies. If any of them should be found under arms, aiding, assisting, or forthwith detect them (if in your power) and with their crimes send them to me or the commanding officer at this place. You will do the utmost in your power to find out if any British Officers should come to that country, as it is highly probable they will do, because they have there so many friends; and let no pains be spared in detecting them, making report of your proceedings, from time to time, to me or the commanding officer at this place." [More]
Tuesday, April 20, 2010