Israel Says Hezbollah Missile Buildup Accelerating -- Yahoo News/AFP
JERUSALEM (AFP) – Syria's government routinely ships weapons to Lebanon's Shiite militia Hezbollah in an operation that goes well beyond sporadic smuggling, a top Israeli intelligence officer said on Tuesday.
The head of the military intelligence research department, Brigadier General Yossi Baidatz, told a parliamentary committee that Hezbollah's arsenal included thousands of rockets of all ranges and types, some solid-fuelled.
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More News On The Arms Buildup In The Middle East
Military Intelligence: Hezbollah Scuds tip of iceberg -- Ynet News
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Obama renews Syria sanctions -- Al Jazeera
U.S. Renews Sanctions Against Syria -- Fox News/AP
Syria warns U.S. on accepting Israel scud claims -- Washington Post/Reuters
Why the Syria-US relationship is likely to remain chilly for some time -- The Guardian