BERLIN — NATO is ignoring the security concerns of its Central and East European members to such an extent that several of those countries are pursuing separate bilateral security arrangements with the United States, says a report issued by a group of experts on the eve of the presentation of a major new proposal on strategy for the alliance.
If the alliance continues to play down the security concerns of the region, several of these countries will remain reluctant to conduct NATO missions outside Europe because they do not feel safe at home, says the report, published by the Center for European Reform, an independent research institute in London.
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My Comment: Greek crisis, financial crisis, high unemployment, volcanic ash resulting in airport closures, Afghanistan war continuing to get worse, change of governments in Great Britain and Ukraine, Polish President and much of his government wiped out in an airplane crash, etc. etc. etc.
I do not think NATO is ignoring Eastern Europe .... it is just that right now they have a lot on their plate.