Obama Gives Commanders Wide Berth For Secret Warfare -- The Atlantic
Last summer, the White House authorized a massive expansion of clandestine military and intelligence operations worldwide, sanctioning activities in more than a dozen countries and giving the military's combatant commanders significant new authority to conduct unconventional warfare.
The New York Times reported on one major operational plan, which authorizes intelligence gathering and reconnaissance activities in the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and Central Asia. A Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Execute Order, was signed on September 30, 2009, by CENTCOM commander in chief David Petraeus. It was marked "LIMDIS" -- as in "limited distribution," and hard copies were delivered to about 30 people.
The Times did not report its original classified codename, "Avocado." The name has since been changed.
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My Comment: Two of my sources gave me a heads up that such a plan was being implemented a few months ago. But with no tangible evidence, I chalked it up as wishful thinking among my friends in the intelligence community. But with the release by the New York Times of documents that outline a major expansion of America's covert war .... it appears that my friends were right.
As to what is my take on all of this .... President Obama has no delusions that the world is a dangerous place with people who wish to do us great harm. The fact that this focus on expanding America's covert war against radical groups happened last year when he assumed the Presidency is testimony to the man that he will not hesitate to use America's resources to defend America .... this (in my opinion) is a good thing.
But instead of using America's military in a blunt and public display of power when the need arises (cruise missile strikes, air strikes, etc.) .... he has chosen to use the military and the intelligence services in a discreet and "very private" manner. I suspect that many operations have already been conducted .... missions conducted in very dangerous situations and/or environments .... but it is being kept secret in the tradition of covert war.
In short, Pres
The Times did not report its original classified codename, "Avocado." The name has since been changed.
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My Comment: Two of my sources gave me a heads up that such a plan was being implemented a few months ago. But with no tangible evidence, I chalked it up as wishful thinking among my friends in the intelligence community. But with the release by the New York Times of documents that outline a major expansion of America's covert war .... it appears that my friends were right.
As to what is my take on all of this .... President Obama has no delusions that the world is a dangerous place with people who wish to do us great harm. The fact that this focus on expanding America's covert war against radical groups happened last year when he assumed the Presidency is testimony to the man that he will not hesitate to use America's resources to defend America .... this (in my opinion) is a good thing.
But instead of using America's military in a blunt and public display of power when the need arises (cruise missile strikes, air strikes, etc.) .... he has chosen to use the military and the intelligence services in a discreet and "very private" manner. I suspect that many operations have already been conducted .... missions conducted in very dangerous situations and/or environments .... but it is being kept secret in the tradition of covert war.
In short, Pres
My Comment: Two of my sources gave me a heads up that such a plan was being implemented a few months ago. But with no tangible evidence, I chalked it up as wishful thinking among my friends in the intelligence community. But with the release by the New York Times of documents that outline a major expansion of America's covert war .... it appears that my friends were right.
As to what is my take on all of this .... President Obama has no delusions that the world is a dangerous place with people who wish to do us great harm. The fact that this focus on expanding America's covert war against radical groups happened last year when he assumed the Presidency is testimony to the man that he will not hesitate to use America's resources to defend America .... this (in my opinion) is a good thing.
But instead of using America's military in a blunt and public display of power when the need arises (cruise missile strikes, air strikes, etc.) .... he has chosen to use the military and the intelligence services in a discreet and "very private" manner. I suspect that many operations have already been conducted .... missions conducted in very dangerous situations and/or environments .... but it is being kept secret in the tradition of covert war.
In short, President Obama has now expanded America's war to the Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, and to the trouble states of Central Asia. He has also enlisted numerous allies to help in conducting such operations .... Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and in the Dagestan region of the North Caucuses .... just to name a few. While the focus is on the war in Afghanistan, and the winding down of the war in Iraq .... this covert war has the potential to be just as bloody and messy as a public war .... with blow back from some very unsavory individuals and countries .... Iran being on the top of the list.
My only hope is that Congress and the proper authorities provide the proper oversight for such a major expansion of the covert war. The reason for my concern is that the last time such a covert war was launched and Congress failed in providing the proper oversight .... was Vietnam, with the covert war operating in Laos and Cambodia.
As to what is my take on all of this .... President Obama has no delusions that the world is a dangerous place with people who wish to do us great harm. The fact that this focus on expanding America's covert war against radical groups happened last year when he assumed the Presidency is testimony to the man that he will not hesitate to use America's resources to defend America .... this (in my opinion) is a good thing.
But instead of using America's military in a blunt and public display of power when the need arises (cruise missile strikes, air strikes, etc.) .... he has chosen to use the military and the intelligence services in a discreet and "very private" manner. I suspect that many operations have already been conducted .... missions conducted in very dangerous situations and/or environments .... but it is being kept secret in the tradition of covert war.
In short, President Obama has now expanded America's war to the Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, and to the trouble states of Central Asia. He has also enlisted numerous allies to help in conducting such operations .... Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and in the Dagestan region of the North Caucuses .... just to name a few. While the focus is on the war in Afghanistan, and the winding down of the war in Iraq .... this covert war has the potential to be just as bloody and messy as a public war .... with blow back from some very unsavory individuals and countries .... Iran being on the top of the list.
My only hope is that Congress and the proper authorities provide the proper oversight for such a major expansion of the covert war. The reason for my concern is that the last time such a covert war was launched and Congress failed in providing the proper oversight .... was Vietnam, with the covert war operating in Laos and Cambodia.