Russia Wants Tougher Stance On Afghan Drugs -- Voice of Russia
Russia defends a more decisive fight against the drug threat coming from Afghanistan and insists that the United Nations should play a more active role in it. This topic will feature prominently today during a meeting in Moscow between Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the UN Special Envoy to Afghanistan Stephan De Mistura.
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More News On Russia's Drug Plague
Russia rebukes US over Afghan heroin glut -- Financial Times
Russia passes info on nine Afghan drug lords to US -- RT
Ivanov Gives List of Drug Barons to U.S. -- Moscow Times
Russia gives U.S. Afghan drugs data, criticizes NATO -- Reuters
Russia hands over information on 9 Afghan, Central Asian drug traffickers to U.S. -- RIA Novosti
Afghan Heroin Flow Channeled to Russia -- Global Research