Predators, Warriors And Ravens: The CIA Drones Wage War -- Irish Times
THE COURTYARD of the Pentagon feels like a cross between an arms fair and a used-car lot on a fine May morning. “Congratulations 1,000,000 Army Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Hours,” says a banner.
With 5,456 US servicemen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Afghan war going badly, the US military celebrates what it can. Unmanned Aircraft Systems, also known as Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles but referred to as drones, are the military’s most important technological asset. Last year the CIA’s director, Leon Panetta, called the Predator drone programme “the only game in town”.
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My Comment: This article posts a number of stats that I have not seen .... i.e. total number of drone strikes in Pakistan, total number of UAVs, etc. .... overall, this article gives a headsup on what to expect in the "Drone Wars".