Baghdad's Green Zone: Safety Inside, Resentment Outside -- L.A. Times
Iraq begins full oversight of the area, which to many residents has symbolized what went wrong with the U.S. occupation, as well as the elitism of their own government.
Reporting from Baghdad — They called it the Green Zone because within its fortified blast walls lay a sanctuary for Americans, a place so secure that weapons could safely be left unloaded — or green, in military parlance.
Outside was the Red Zone, the rest of Iraq, where bombs exploded, bullets flew, ordinary Iraqis lived and endured and no American soldier or official was permitted to venture without a heavily armored convoy.
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More News On The Transfer Of The Green Zone To Iraqi Responsibility
Farewell to the green zone: US leaves ‘privileged prison’ -- Times Online
Iraqi Forces Take Over Green Zone Security -- Voice of America
A Farewell to the Green Zone -- New York Times
US ends 'overwatch' of Baghdad checkpoints -- AFP
Iraq’s Psyche, Through a Green Zone Prism -- New York Times