Don't Stop Special Ops: Karzai Sides With Taliban--Again -- Ralph Peters, Real Clear Politics
Within Afghanistan, only a single US program continues to do real damage to the Taliban. And President Hamid Karzai wants it to stop.
Our special operations forces (especially, the Army's) have been gutting the Taliban's leadership. Karzai doesn't like that. He didn't like our use of airpower and artillery, either. The Taliban feared them too much and told wild lies about civilian casualties. Most fire support ceased. More soldiers and Marines died.
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My Comment: General McChrystal made his "bones" in Iraq through the use of special ops teams in targeting commanders and senior leaders in the insurgency. But in Afghanistan .... different rules of engagement are in force, and I do expect President Obama to accept Afghan President Karzai's request that these operations are stopped. I doubt that General McCHrystal is a "happy camper" right now.
On a side note, Ralph Peters says that if ....
.... we cave in to Karzai and rein in our special operators, it's game over.
I say that it has been "game over" for the past 2-3 years.