Gates Has A Long, Loooong Record Of Firing Generals -- The Danger Room
Two months after he became Defense Secretary, Robert Gates fired his first general: the guy in charge of Walter Reed and its moldy, cockroach-infested facilities for housing the wounded. Then Gates fired the secretary of the Army and forced out the Army’s surgeon general. It signaled a massive shift from the Donald Rumsfeld era, when few senior officers were fired for incompetence. The Pentagon largely welcomed the change. “I can’t tell you how cathartic, how refreshing that was,” Ryan Henry, a top aide to both secretaries, told me.
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McChrystal, ROEs and COIN -- DoD Buzz
North Korea's Nuclear Test That Wasn't -- Arms Control Wonk
Israel launches new spy satellite -- Jerusalem Post
Defense/Aerospace Asia-Pacific Market Projected to Grow More than 70% Over the Next 20 Years -- Market Watch
U.S. Navy CNO Calls for More Global Partnerships -- Defense News
Course Change on the Super SM-3 -- Ares/Aviation Week
Scott agencies join to test new airframe for the C-27J Spartan -- U.S. Air Force
The Iowa Class Submarines -- New Wars
CIA gives Blackwater firm new $100 million contract -- Washington Post
Military, intell agencies dismiss DARPA-led cyber range -- Washington Technology
The Sergeant Major Saves Everyone's Ass -- Strategy Page