Senators Tie Procurement to Progress for F-35 -- Ares/Aviation Week
Ottawa to spend $9-billion in sole-source deal for U.S. fighter jets -- Globe And Mail
IAF to pick new F-35 fighter by end of July -- Jerusalem Post
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: 2009-2010 -- Defense Industry Daily
Airbus military plane ready to make debut public flight -- Bristol 24
Timeline: Fraught journey of A400M transport aircraft -- Reuters
LCS Alternative Weekly -- New Wars
What Clapper Means For Intel -- DoD Buzz
Position papers to be presented at The Center for a New American Security Conference to be held this week -- Defense Tech
Laser Power Beaming – Creating the “Eternal UAV” -- Defpro
The Miracle Of Military Satcomm -- Strategy Page
Military Can’t Keep Tabs on Pill-Popping Troops, Senate Says -- The Danger Room
IAEA Reviewing Myanmar Nuclear Claim -- Global Security Newswire
Former CIA analyst alleges China-Saudi nuclear deal -- Spy Talk/Washington Post