'Strike On Iran Would Be Destabilizing' -- Jerusalem Post
US joint chiefs of staff says Washington, Jerusalem in sync.
A military strike against Iran would be "incredibly destabilizing" to the region said the US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen. He believes Iran will continue to pursue nuclear weapons, even if sanctions against the country are increased.
Speaking Monday at the Aspen Security Forum, Mullen said it would be "incredibly dangerous" for Iran to achieve nuclear weapons, and that there's "no reason to trust" Iran's assurances that it is only pursuing a peaceful nuclear program, especially after the discovery of a secret nuclear facility near the holy city of Qom.
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My Comment: It is all going to come down to this. Will the Middle East be more unstable if Iran has nuclear weapons .... or if Israel decides to strike Iran before it has the means to manufacture significant quantities of nuclear material for a bomb.