US, Seoul Cooperating on Warship Sinking Response -- Voice of America
As South Korea pushes the United Nations Security Council to censure North Korea, a senior American diplomat is reiterating Washington's full cooperation with Seoul.
The United States and South Korea are calling their mutual response to the sinking of the Cheonan warship a "defining moment" for their alliance.
The statement was issued following talks here between U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell and top South Korean Foreign Ministry officials Thursday.
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More News On U.S. - South Korean Cooperation On The Cheonan Sinking
US Strengthens Alliance With South Korea Over Warship Sinking -- RTT News
US, SKorea Express Solidarity Over Ship Sinking -- New York Times/AP
US backs Seoul over ship sinking -- Al Jazeera
France, Turkey Demand New Sanctions on North Korea, South Says -- Global Security Newswire
U.S. envoy calls for strong message to North Korea on ship -- Reuters
U.S., S. Korean diplomats discuss warship sinking -- Xinhuanet
North Korea brandishes threats as UN debates Cheonan sinking -- Christian science Monitor