India's Strategy Of Suppression In Kashmir Could Backfire -- Christian Science Monitor
India has imposed a curfew on Kashmir and squashed nonviolent rallies. Now a cycle of retaliation between rock-throwing boys and gun-wielding security forces has set in.
Carefully, in ones and twos, residents of Srinagar emerged from their homes for the first time in a week to pray at small mosques Friday.
Prayers were tense. The city's larger mosques remain blocked by police for the fourth week following the government's imposition of a strict curfew in June, and thousands of Indian security forces were ready to swoop in on any potential protests among pro-independence activists.
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My Comment: Since the independence of India and Pakistan 60 years ago, Kashmir has always been on a tinderbox of religious and ethnic strife and a focal point of the greater Pakistan-India/Islam-Hindu conflict. My prediction is that nothing will change, and that 60 years from now the same animosities and bitterness will be present.