An All Submarine Navy -- New Wars
Here is an article from 2007, originally posted at another site, written when I was trying to grasp the implications of a full-scale use of new weapons at sea, cruise missiles and laser guided bombs. After much thought and discussion with some smart people (our Bold Band of Readers), I no longer subscribe to all of the proposals, but I’m curious of your thoughts since New Wars will revisit the subject starting next week.
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Royal Navy and RAF will bear brunt of multi-billion pound defence cuts -- The Telegraph
F-15SE Sneaking Up On the F-35 -- Strategy Page
Turkey says to produce F135 engines -- World Bulletin
Confirmed–Canadian government lie about F-35 competition exposed -- ELP Defens(c)e Blog
US to fully fund Arrow 3 -- Jerusalem Post
Iron Dome Has Customers, Follow-Ons -- Aviation Week
Senators rap Pentagon's delay on China report -- Washington Times
Chinese army to target cyber war threat -- The Guardian
Chinese president stresses Party building in armed forces -- Xinhuanet
Iran Able to Mass-Produce Ballistic Missiles -- FARS Nes Agency (Iran)
Russia Eyes Chinese Spaceships As Backup For Soyuz -- Space Travel
RQ-4 Global Hawk UAVs Prepare for Maritime Role -- Defense Industry Daily
Reactive Armour - Protection Against Asymmetric Threats -- Defpro
Walter Reed official accused of falsifying military record -- CNN