Gen. Pace's Somber Pentagon Portrait Evokes The Struggles Of Warfare -- Washington Post
Hundreds of portraits of generals and admirals hang like wallpaper along the Pentagon's endless corridors.
Few of these paintings, if any, stop people in the way that the image of Gen. Peter Pace does.
Pace, who served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the worst years of the Iraq war, is depicted in front of a simple backdrop the color of dried blood. His shoulders are slightly stooped. His head is just barely bowed. "He looks like he is thinking about his career, the people he left behind and the Marines he lost," said Mamie Burke, who served as Pace's photographer and now works for his successor. "I think there is a lot he has lost."
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My Comment: The portraits of all of those generals .... and the stories that they can tell .... now that is history.