Pentagon To Cut Out Big-War Funds: Focus On Fighting Smaller Conflicts -- Washington Times
The Pentagon has begun a new hunt for cost savings that likely will lead to scaling back big-war weapons systems in favor of funding smaller conflicts typified by Iraq and Afghanistan.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is selling the green-eyeshade exercise as a way to achieve more efficiencies by streamlining acquisition, cutting personnel and perhaps eliminating some organizations altogether.
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My Comment: If I could get a dollar for every article that I have read that talks about big defense budget cuts ... I would definitely be a rich man. The sad fact is that this is all theater .... and while some cuts will be found, they will be reinstated once Sec. of Defense Gates is gone and a new Congress assumes power.
Yes .... I am expecting a Republican controlled House in November, and yes .... I am expecting Sec. of Defense Gates to be gone by this time next year.