Will The German Army Drop The Draft? -- Time Magazine
Ending months of speculation, Germany's Defense Minister has outlined a radical plan to restructure the country's armed forces that includes a controversial proposal to end the draft.
If enacted, the changes to the size and structure of German troops will be among the most far-reaching reforms by any member of NATO since the end of the Cold War. At the center of the package of proposals, outlined by Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg on Monday, are plans to reduce troop strength to 163,000 from the current force of about 252,000; make the armed forces — known as the Bundeswehr — less top-heavy by cutting some of the nine existing command centers; and close many of the 403 military bases. The reform also calls for ending conscription and transforming the Bundeswehr into a more professional organization made up of fewer better-trained, better-paid soldiers working with the right equipment to meet today's security needs.
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More News On The German Military
Lean and Mean? German Armed Forces to be Restructured -- DefPro
German military may drop draft -- Space War
German Defense Sec'y: Reduce Force to 163,500 -- Defense News
German military may drop draft -- UPI
Germany Weighs the Elimination of Conscription -- Spiegel Online
Germany Considers Major Restructuring of Military -- Voice of America
German defence minister wants to shrink army -- Reuters
German minister wants to suspend conscription and reduce army -- Irish Times
Plan to Suspend Military Draft Opposed by Some Lawmakers in Merkel's Bloc -- Bloomberg
Former defense minister, chief of staff slam Bundeswehr budget cuts -- Deutsche Welle
Germany debates ending the draft -- Krista Kapralos, Global Post