Petraeus: Here’s My Afghan Redeployment Strategy -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room
KABUL, Afghanistan – General David Petraeus isn’t planning to wake up one morning after July 2011 and order his troops out of Afghanistan’s provinces all at once. Instead, his idea is to slowly and deliberately remove small units, district by district, in an intricate process he describes as “thinning out.”
“You can reduce your forces. But you thin out,” Petraeus tells Danger Room in an interview from his professorial Kabul office. “You don’t just hand over. The whole unit doesn’t leave.”
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
'The War in Afghanistan Reveals Obama's Impotence' -- Spiegel editorial
Could George W. Bush End the Mosque Madness? -- Max Fisher, The Atlantic
Western Culture and the Mosque -- J. E. Dyer, Commentary Magazine
The Ground Zero mosque must be built -- Kathleen Parker, Washington Post
Why Not to Bomb Iran -- Robert Wright, New York Times
Guns of August? Rumors of attack on Iran scorch the Web -- Arnold De Borchgrave, Washington Times
Why US Made Hanoi Move -- Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Pakistan: An Urgent Call for Aid -- New York Times editorial
Russia and Return of Lawlessness -- Jacob Laksin, Real Clear World
Tensions Rise in Greece as Austerity Measures Backfire -- Corinna Jessen, Spiegel Online
How to Win the Clash of Civilizations -- Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wall Street Journal