U.S. General Cites Ambitious Goals for Training Afghans -- New York Times
WASHINGTON — The American commander in charge of building up Afghanistan’s security forces said Monday that in the next 15 months he would have to recruit and train 141,000 new soldiers and police officers — more than the current size of the Afghan Army — to meet President Obama’s ambitious goals for getting Afghan forces to fight the war on their own.
The commander, Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV, said the large recruiting number was to allow for attrition rates in some units of nearly 50 percent.
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My Comment: OK .... for the next 15 months Afghanistan will need to recruit and train 141,000 new soldiers and police officers .... and all of this with an attrition rate near 50%.
Yeah right ....
Update: If Afghan Troops Can’t Read Cat in the Hat, This War Is Screwed -- The Danger Room