Study Finds Growing EU Skepticism of Afghanistan War -- Spiegel Online
Back when President George W. Bush was in the White House, it seemed as though Americans and Europeans couldn't agree on much of anything. A new survey shows that, when it comes to the world's hotspots, not much has changed under Barack Obama.
In his celebrated 2003 treatise on the divergent post-Cold War paths taken by Europe and the United States, called "Of Paradise and Power," American foreign policy pundit Robert Kagan wrote: "On major strategic and international questions today, Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus."
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My Comment: The same can be said in Canada. Most Canadians hold little if any hope on Afghanistan, and regard it as a lost cause. But this viewpoint pales in what my family and friends in Russia believe .... especially my cousins who fought in Afghanistan for the Soviet Army. To them .... U.S. involvement in Afghanistan is an incredible waste of valuable human resources and materials on a people and culture that will never change .... regardless of the military/political commitment and billions of dollars that the U.S. is now pouring into that backward country.
Update: Gates: Surge seems to be working in Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/AP